From Niche to Noticeable: How We Increased TexMin’s Visibility in the Mining Tech Space

Flash Corp faced a decline in their market presence. Our task was to rejuvenate their brand and strengthen their digital footprint.

The challenge

  • Reaching the right audience: TexMin’s focus on CPS and mining requires reaching a specific audience.
  • Communicating complex ideas: Making CPS technology understandable to a broader audience is key.


  • Increase website visibility within the mining and technology sectors.
  • Clearly present TexMin’s mission and goals to spark interest from potential partners.

The strategy

Targeted Content & Search Optimization

Targeted Content & Search Optimization

  • Content: Develop targeted website content using clear language and relevant keywords to attract mining professionals, technology developers, and potential investors.
  • Search Optimization: Optimize the website for search engines to ensure TexMin appears when the target audience seeks information on CPS and mining.
Engaging Visuals & Clear CTAs

Engaging Visuals & Clear CTAs

  • Visuals: Incorporate high-quality visuals like infographics or animations that effectively explain CPS and its applications in mining.
  • CTAs: Include clear calls to action (CTAs) that encourage visitors to engage with TexMin, such as “Learn More About CPS in Mining” or “Join Our Research Community.”
Building Credibility & Data-Driven Approach

Building Credibility & Data-Driven Approach

  • Credibility Builders: Feature logos of collaborating institutions (IIT(ISM) & Adani Enterprises) and any relevant awards or recognition to establish TexMin’s expertise.
  • Data-Driven Optimization: Utilize website analytics tools to track traffic and user engagement. Use this data to continuously refine the landing page for optimal impact.

"ChaosCult not only created a website that wows our visitors but also ensured it aligns with our brand story. The professionalism and creativity displayed by the team are unmatched."

Suraj Prakash

CEO @Texmin

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